Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting Ready for a Christmas Trip to Virginia

Getting Ready for a Christmas Trip to Virginia

Redcap and wheelchair pusher tips: rojos, 1,000 colon notes, and bucks, 1 dollar US bills need to be gotten at the bank. And while at the Banco de Costa Rica might as well pay the Costa Rica departure tax; it's a lot more convenient than standing in yet another line at the airport and then trying to fill out the forms while balancing ticket and luggage.

Local coffee, Lizano and wildlife fridge magnets are a must as stocking stuffers. Our own coffee will not be processed and roasted until later this month so I bought coffee from Gerardo Capulina's little beneficio in Altos de Naranjo. He heads up an organic coffee associaton but also does custom processing of other coffee, mine will come from there.

Stock the house with food for the housesitter, and for the dogs and cat.

Pay aquinaldo, the 13th month. Annual bonuses are not only traditional they are the law. Employees are also entitled to a two week vacation which they often take around Christmas. If they do not take the leave they get the money.

Pack, of course. Here I wear only shorts, polo shirts and Tevas. Fortunately we have a stash of winter clothing at the Chapkeys.

Today I have to go downtown, San Jose, to pick up 18 newly framed photos. John Desarzin and I are going to have an exhibition of HDR photography in January and so I framed some large Adorama prints in the same style as his exhibition stuff. Tomorrow is a little show and sale and they will be handy there too.

So, with all of that there is not time for much else before our plane leaves on Monday the 6th.

Next missive will be written in the Olde Dominion.
