Tuesday, December 27, 2011


December 20, 2011 Jean and I drove to Puerto Amuelles, Panama in order to get new tourist visas for Costa Rica upon returning. Hooked on Fishing, Aqua Adventures Lodge a little down the road from there has 11 fine little cabinas with a/c and sat TV and the above view of the sea.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

any old hillside

After the first few rains a thousand shades of green return and clouds
outdo some of the tropical blue sky.

Just look around, any old hillside will do.

Pura Vida


Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Livelys Ten Years Ago

GML, Brian Lucas, Geoff, George
Terri, GG, Jean
Coryne, Marley, Tim

Basilica de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles

Hello Friends,

Please reply to gmlively@gmail.com when you receive this.

When I accidentaly sent the Mew and Esqui photo here it was then
relayed to Sergey, Judith, Coryne and probably more folks too, but I
am not sure who gets it. So please tell me.

Also, did you sign up to get my Fishing in and around Costa Rica y Mas blog?
(Not sure if one needs too, or if the Blog captures your email if you sign in.

Someday I will get all this straignted out.


Saturday, June 4, 2011


Siesta: Mew y Esqui